Michelle Simonal
Vintage Café Vol. 22010
Vintage Chic 1002014
Vintage Café: Lounge & Jazz Blends (Special Selection), Pt. 52014
Vintage Chic 100 - Part Three2016
Vintage Café - Lounge & Jazz Blends (Special Selection), Vol. 172020
Jazz Sexiest Ladies, Vol.32020
Lounge Sexiest Ladies2020
Bossa N' Michael2016
Retro Chic 1002014
From Another Point of View2017
The Best Of2014
Vintage Café - Lounge & Jazz Blends (Special Selection), Vol. 162020
Vintage Café - Lounge & Jazz Blends (Special Selection), Pt. 82016
Jazz and 90s - Part Two2015
Jazz and 80s - the Complete Collection2014
Moon Lovers2020
Some People2021
International Inspirations2019
Songs We Love2021